So Santa brought Jackson the Segway Ninebot S for Christmas and I instantly regret not buying one for my wife and I. Segway has been around for quite some time, but from what I feel like have been reserved for mall cops and StarTrek conventions…or Mall Cops AT StarTrek Conventions!
Halloween is by far one of my most favorite Holidays and every year while setting up the decorations, I start planning for the next one. If you don’t know, I’m really big into tech and home automation.
I love organizing. Some may even say I’m slightly OCD about it. The feeling off putting stuff in stuff and then hiding that stuff in other stuff makes me feel like I just won a gold medal from Marie Kondo at the OCD Olympics.
With Black Friday right around the corner…like tomorrow. I wanted to give an update on my progress with my dream garage build, and with the sale on Amazon, now has never been a better time. It’s not close to being finished, but we’re getting there.