Holiday Gladiator Garage System Build and Review Update

First off! Happy holidays! With Black Friday right around the corner…like tomorrow. I wanted to give an update on my progress with my dream garage build, and with the sale on Amazon, now has never been a better time. It’s not close to being finished, but we’re getting there. Everything that I’ve ordered or am in the process of ordering is linked below, so go give it a look see.

The last few yeas have been absolutely crazy…not just for me, but the world in general. Looking back to 2019, before the pandemic, I thought I was pretty well organized. But…not so much. During our time off, we decided to tackle the garage and really focus on getting rid of “stuff” and making sure that everything had a home and there was a home for everything.

In my last blog about building my dream garage, I listed out the items I started with. But since then, I’ve redone, moved things around, redone and moved things around about 100 times. But thats the beauty of this thing. You can. Our family has been in this house for almost 5 years now, and as you may or may not know, you accumulate a lot of “stuff.” My son is in select baseball, so there’s that. I’m a photographer/videographer and content creator…so there’s that too. We’ve got a lot to manage.

If you didn’t check out my last blog with the introductory build, I’ll drop a link below for easy access as well as the YouTube video and some photos.

Gladiator Garage System Build and Review

Since then we’ve added in a ton of new things to not only help us stay organized, but healthy too. Yes, we are in the process of adding in a gym as well. Below is the link to all of the things I’ve purchased and have lived with for the last few years.

I’ve received a ton of messages from people asking how I like it and simply put. When we decide it’s time for another home, this is seriously the first thing I’m doing, before the moving trucks even load up.

Being organized isn’t something thats an option for my family and I. It’s just how it has to be. With our busy schedules, finding what we need, when we need it is key for sanity. And sanity has a price tag, but thankfully this system isn’t expensive at all.

Be on the lookout for the next video coming soon. It’s the holiday season and life is bananas. Happy holidays to you all!


The Gym: i’m Bringin’ Sexy back

You’ll need a few additional things like an electric drill, level and a stud finder as well to get the job done. I pre drilled the majority of mine so I would avoid any cracking or having the pieces split, but as I got further along ran a few screws directly into it and was fine. Do yourself a favor and pre drill a small hole 3/4in in on the top and bottom of the inside track to help you stay in sign with the stud.

Tools You’re Gonna Need