Christmas in Galveston Fast Family Session

When was the last time you took Christmas pictures with a tree in the background? OK…but when was the last time you took Christmas pictures with a tree in the background on the BEACH?!

Give your family something to talk about when they open up your Christmas card this year and my “Christmas in Galveston Fast Family Session” will get you there in no time. These Fast Family sessions are perfect for families on the go and won’t break the bank. Starting November 16th, if you’ve got thirty minutes, I’ve got a spot for you.

Purchasing is simple and reserves your time spot, just select the day and time. After payment is received, I’ll send you out the exact location via email.

Each “Christmas in Galveston Fast Family Session” comes with five (5) edited full resolution pictures and one (1) free Christmas Card design. Just pick and communicate verbally before the time slot, so we get the best possible angles and placement for you and your family.

You can also email me after the shoot if you change your mind within 24 hours of your shoot (the holidays are crazy, you’ve got a lot on your mind…it’s ok.)