Some Love And A Reminder To Be Grateful

A few times a year, I have the privilege of shooting with a family in League City. I’ve shot with them since 2021 right after COVID died down and most recently did Halloween Family Photos for them.

“Familying” is tough, let alone doing it on camera. One kid is upset, one is fine…or not. One parent is trying to keep it all together while avoiding a brain heart attack and the other is figuring out what’s for lunch/dinner. Sometimes there’s only one parent, and they’re trying their best to do all of those things.

As a photographer, we have a window. A specific predetermined timeframe to capture a handful of magical photographs of your family, where we try and stage you, give you tips on how to stand, not do that weird squint thing where your nose gets wrinkly, get everyone to look at the camera and not blink…and then delete the remaining 247.

This however is not the case. I show up and let them be them. Engaged, present and genuinely happy parents are what you see here and it shows through. Sure, I get the “stand here and do this” pic, but the majority of them are in the moment raw photos. Life.

I’m taking the time out of my day, well morning (it’s almost 4 now and I started editing these at 2am) because while working on them, I felt an abundance of joy. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to work for myself and while some days are tougher than others, it’s good to have a reminder of why you do things you do.

So while they may never see this, I want to thank them for the opportunity to shoot and continue to shoot for them. I’m not only thankful for business, but for the friendship we’ve developed and I love spending time with you all. When you see your photos , I hope they make you as happy as they made me.
