Seared Ahi Tuna Burger with Ginger Garlic Wasabi Aoli

Without question this was one of the most delicious burgers I have ever made. My wife and I love getting sushi but we also love us some burgers too. I’ve had tuna burgers from a few different places, but they usually fall short. Tuna is a hard thing to get right if you aren’t paying attention to the cook on your filet. If you go too long, it looses flavor and to me can sometimes taste even more fishy than normal. But then not long enough and it’s raw.

So here’s a quick recipe for a killer Tuna Burger that will punch your tastebuds in the face with kisses. Ready? Here we go…

Tuna Steak

After the tuna steak has risen to room temp, season it with salt, pepper and your black sesame seeds. The Tuna will only take about 1 1/2 minutes to cook per side when using a 1 - 1.5 inch thick tuna steak for rare, so we want to knock out all of our other prep first and allow the tuna to rest after cooking while we build our set up for the burger.

Ginger Garlic Wasabi Aoli

1/2 Cup mayo

1/4 Cup Ginger Garlic paste

3 tbsp Kikkoman wasabi paste

1 tbsp Kikkoman soy sauce

1 tbsp Kikkoman Rice Vinegar

Tell Alexa to set a timer for 20 minutes and refrigerate.’s noodle time.

In a small sauce pan bring water to a boil and add in your rice vermicelli noodles for three minutes.  In addition to the water, I like to add in a little soy sauce as well so the noodle absorbs a little of that flavor.  But be careful, there’s a lot of soy sauce in this and you don’t want it to outshine the Tuna (insert mental nobody puts baby in a corner scene here).  You can also fry these, but I’m not a fan of anything fried on my sushi. However I am a huge hypocrite seeming how I’m putting a bun on this thing.

While your noodles are cooking, in a small bowl melt some butter and get ready to grill the buns.  If you’re like me, nothing beats a grilled anything.  If you are also like me and your propane ran out in the making of this, head back into the kitchen and get a non stick pan.


Brush melted butter on both sides of the bun and grill to desired “toastiness.”


Put a little extra butter in the pan, then brush melted butter on both sides of the bun and grill to desired “toastiness.”

After you take your buns off, start plating. And there you have it folks…I hope you enjoy this recipe, I know I did.