"Daddy I want to be a YouTuber"

I have always wanted to start out a story like this…

So, there I was working on a project for a client a while back and my son who was five at the time came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I replied with a rather vague comment that was something like “just working on a video for a client.” Puzzled he looked at me and said “like Ryan” (Ryan’s Toy Review). I laughed and said “yea, kinda like that” His eyes got as big as saucers and I for a moment thought his head was literally going to explode. “Oh my GOSH, You can DO THAT?!”

So long story short, my son now has a YouTube channel. We got him a GoPro Hero Session 4K and a few other things for Christmas, but the coolest thing is that the camera actually attaches to a Hot Wheel. If the six year old you isn’t freaking out inside, I will send a prayer your way.

Below the video, we listed out some of the tracks and sets that we will be testing out soon, but not sure if they will accommodate the width of the car and GoPro. As you saw in the video, the track builder we used did but the box set definitely did. This was due to the car not being able to fit when it went over the lid of the box.

No matter what you get, it’s a lot of fun and you’ll have a blast using it with your little one.