Carlos Puckerin promo video

First things first. I love this dude. So my opinion will be bias, so…call him for yourself and see.

I met Carlos at the start of Covid-19 while he was in the process of selling my neighbors home. I was outside playing with Jackson and saw him standing outside of their home. So I walked over and introduced myself and struck up a conversation and the rest is history.

A few weeks later he called and we put something on the books for him. Now, again, I’m bias but Carlos does some pretty amazing things and is into everything from Real Estate Investing to helping you plan for your financial future.

I put this intro video together for him to so he could use them in his marketing efforts, to help with branding while giving his videos an even more polished look and feel.

For more information on creating a video like this and getting your marketing efforts off the ground, tap or click the button below and lets create something amazing that your audience will love!