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All photography provided by Jared Chambers
After 4 games, over 1K photos and 1 hell of a sunburn the photos are up! I shot from 10am-8pm and one game was even canceled. Shout out to all of the boys for all their hard work and for the other teams who wanted me to shoot for them. Make sure to reach out to me and I’ll 100% get you guys on the books.
Yesterday was a perfect…perfect day for ball. Not to hot, not freezing. Just. Perfect. I’ve only got to shoot at Diamonds at Daily Park in Rosenberg, TX a few times, but it’s pretty cool. The complex is super nice and the fields are beautiful.
Welcome back fall ball, where the weekends are filled with baseball and every day there’s a chance of a disturbance in the Gulf. For as long as I take shoot games at this complex I will say this, in every blog, for the rest of …ever. “I love Waller” and The Rac is awesome.
Great job to all the teams that came out, and shot out to The Bayside All Stars, NASA All Stars and Dickinson All Stars for letting me capture y’all doing something you love.
The weather was great, then it threw down. But the boys did a great job none the less. It was all around a great weekend for baseball.
Don’t forget. If you book a shoot, you get a code for 40% off that lasts the rest of the season for any downloads and 20% off any other photography services or sessions. Again, thanks for having me out. Y’all are so much fun to watch.
If you haven’t been to this place before, let me tell you…its awesome. The organization that my son is on (Black Gold BAseball) rents out the facility for the teams each week for practice, monday through friday and it was so nice to finally get to play so close to home. The fields are great, they have food and each side of the complex has a bar. It’s just awesome.
Shout out to my man Bubba, for taking the time to talk to me about all my gear and for passing my info off to his team. Every time I go shoot for the team my son is on, I always introduce myself to the other team and it’s so nice to have parents be supportive and excited that there’s a photographer there.
After a wonderful spring break in my hometown of Nashville, TN, handling some music business stuff and hanging with family, I was excited to be back watching some baseball and testing out some new equipment. I shot the games, as usual with my Canon cameras, but took the time on Sunday to test out the Mevo Start 3 pack and let me tell you…i was crazy impressed.
Few places hold a place in my heart. But Bayside Area Little League is one of them. The kids, the organization and what they stand for…I love it there. It’s always an honor to be asked back year after year to do their opening day and I hope I always get to be a part of it.
What a weekend! Sunday was amazing and the umpires we had were nothing short of amazing. I’m going to find out their names because they were for real that good. They were funny, knew the rules inside and out (and sited the rule almost to the page number when a parent got mad…it was awesome) and most of all had fun with the boys and encouraged them throughout the game.
Shout out to The League City Braves 12U baseball team for having me out this past weekend to shoot your games at The Rac, AKA The Lonestar Sports Complex, in my favorite place on earth, Waller, Texas.